Automate GitHub releases and generate release notes with release-it

automate github releases and generate release notes

A release in a software ecosystem is a way to package and version software at a specific point in time. GitHub releases are an efficient and standard way of packaging and distributing software.

In this blog post, we will see how to create a GitHub release and automate it using the release-it npm package. We will also see how to generate GitHub release notes from commit messages.

Table of Contents:

  1. Setting up the project
  2. Understanding Github release and tags
  3. Installing and Configuring release-it
  4. Running release-it and verifying release on Github
  5. How release-it increments the release version
  6. How to generate GitHub release notes from commit messages
  7. What is in the PDF book?

1. Setting up the project

For this post, we have a simple typescript supported NodeJS application. Without going into much details on it again, it is recommended to check it here.

2. Understanding github release and tags

2.1. Git Tag

A tag is a git concept. Tag is a reference to a git repository which points to a commit. A git tag has two variations .i.e. lightweight and annotated. In an annotated tag, we can add details such as a message with -m flag.

  • git tag 1.0.0 creates a tag on the repository.
  • git show 1.0.0 shows details of the tag such as commit it points to.
  • git rev-parse 1.0.0 returns the commit hash.
  • git tag lists all the tags
  • git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "The annotated tag" creates an annotated tag with message
  • git tag -d 1.0.0 deletes a tag
  • git tag -a 1.0.0 9633554 -m "a tag at previous commit" creates an annotated tag on the repository at an older commit using the commit hash (in this case 9633554)

2.2. Github Release

Unlike a Git tag, a release is a concept associated with GitHub. A GitHub release is different from a Git tag, but it may rely on a Git tag. A GitHub release uses a git tag and adds additional features such as release notes, repository asset download options, and visibility on the GitHub UI.

We can follow these steps to create a release on github using the Github UI:

  1. Navigate to the repository where you want to create a release.
  2. In the sidebar, click on the “Releases” link.
  3. Click the “Draft a new release” button.
  4. Choose an existing tag or create a new one.
  5. Optionally, click the “Generate release notes” button to include them.
  6. You can also drag and drop into the “Attach binaries by dropping them here or selecting them” area.
  7. To make the release public immediately, click “Publish release,” or click “Save draft” to save it for further edits before publishing.

3. Installing and configuring release-it (npm package)

3.1. Installing release-it in npm project

The release-it package is used in npm based projects for automatically managing github releases using cli commands. Key benefits of using release-it for managing the github releases are listed below:

  1. Bump release version in package.json file.
  2. Perform actions (using hooks) before creating release such as running code quality checks and unit tests.
  3. Generating change logs.
  4. Managing releases by incorporating them into CI / CD pipelines.

Let’s follow these steps to install and configure release-it:

Install package in your npm project as development dependency with npm i -D release-it.

Add release script in scripts tag of package.json file.

"scripts": {
"release": "release-it"

3.2. Configuring release-it

By default, release-it can pick configuration from these files automatically:

  1. .release-it.json
  2. .release-it.ts
  3. .release-it.js or .release-it.cjs through module.exports = {}
  4. .release-it.yaml
  5. .release-it property in package.json file.

Lets create a .release-it.json file in the project root to make release-it follow the configurations from there.

    "$schema": "",
    "git": {
      "commitMessage": "chore: release v${version}",
      "commit": true,
      "tag": true,
      "push": true
    "github": {
      "release": true
    "npm": {
        "publish": false

Each key in the JSON file contains relevant settings, for all the available options refer to this documentation.

We can further explore all the available settings. The above basic configuration tells release-it to create a commit for release. Add a new tag as per semantic versioning. Also push the commit to remote repository.
Just like any other push to the repo, the working directory should be clean before you start the release process. Otherwise, release-it will raise error that you need to either stash or commit your changes. We have the option to alter this behavior by changing git.requireCleanWorkingDir

3.3. Using release-it with and without –ci flag

By default, release-it will follow certain prompts during the release. Which is alright if you are managing it through command line manually.

If we need to do it without prompts, which indeed is a requirement if we want to truly automate it. we should use the --ci flag. So the change in script should look like as below.

"scripts": {
    "release": "release-it --ci"

3.4. Add a github token for release-it

A github token is required by release-it to create a release seamlessly. Otherwise, release-it will end-up providing us with the create release page link with pre-populated description box.

We should create a personal access token which has permissions only for the repository we are working on. Here you can learn how to create one.

Next, we need to add this token in .env file and this should never be available for public view.


Now, we need make sure that release-it can read from .env file. We need to install dotenv-cli package as development dependency. We also need to make changes in the script as follows:

"scripts": {
    "release": "dotenv release-it -- --ci"

Finally, we need to make sure that release-it is reading from the same environment variable. github.tokenRef is the configuration used to set the variable name. The .release-it.json file looks as below:

    "$schema": "",
    "git": {
      "commitMessage": "chore: release v${version}",
      "commit": true,
      "tag": true,
      "push": true
    "github": {
      "release": true,
      "tokenRef": "GITHUB_TOKEN"
    "npm": {
        "publish": false

4. Running release-it and verifying Github release

Once you have some new commits and ready for a new release. Go ahead and run npm run release, As we are using --ci flag, no additional prompts will appear.

While releasing a new version of your code without any change or additional commits is pointless, we will also face error from release-it console if we do so.

If everything goes well, we should see our console displaying something like this.

on the github repository page, we should see release info on the right side panel.

5. How release-it increments release version

Following are the increment options provided by release-it, which increments the release number accordingly. If we take 1.0.0 as the current version:

  • patch will increment the last digit, i.e., 1.0.1.
  • minor will increment the middle digit, i.e., 1.1.0.
  • major will increment the first digit, i.e., 2.0.0.
  • prerelease will add another digit after a hyphen and continue incrementing it for subsequent pre-releases.

Default behavior is to treat a release as a patch. We can modify this by updating the script as below for other options.

scripts": {
    "release": "dotenv release-it -- patch --ci"
 "scripts": {
    "release": "dotenv release-it -- minor --ci"
 "scripts": {
    "release": "dotenv release-it -- major --ci"
 "scripts": {
    "release": "dotenv release-it -- prerelease --ci"

6. How to generate GitHub release notes from commit messages

Discussing conventional commits is beyond the scope of this write-up. In summary, conventional commits are a widely accepted specification for writing commit messages. To learn more, refer to this documentation.

The good thing about release-it package is that it allows us to extend its functionality using plugins. Here, we will utilize one such plugin @release-it/conventional-changelog. This plugin enables us to maintain change logs in file.

More importantly, the conventional changelog plugin also decide which release version should we increment to. Following are the rules which it considers when determining the new release version:

  • Commits with fix: type is a patch and increments the last digit.
  • Commits with feat: type is a minor release and hence the second digit is incremented.
  • Commits with a breaking change .i.e. BREAKING CHANGE in the commit footer or feat! type increments the version to a new major release and the first digit is incremented.

Go ahead and install the plugin package with npm install --save-dev @release-it/conventional-changelog.

Now, modify release-it configuration to make it aware of using the conventional change log plugin.

import type { Config } from "release-it";

export default {
  $schema: "",
  git: {
    commitMessage: "chore: release v${version}",
    commit: true,
    tag: true,
    push: true,
  github: {
    release: true,
    tokenRef: "GITHUB_TOKEN",
  npm: {
    publish: false,
  plugins: {
    "@release-it/conventional-changelog": {
      preset: {
        name: "conventionalcommits",
        types: [
            type: "feat",
            section: "Features",
            type: "fix",
            section: "Bug Fixes",
      infile: "",
} as Config;

Other commit specifications are also supported, but we will only cover conventional commits. The preset setting above will help us manage the file with dedicated sections for different conventional commit types.

The GitHub release notes are generated automatically, and is maintained as well. An example of a generated file is given below:

## [4.0.0]( (2024-07-17)


* adding changelog plugin for release-it

### Features

* adding changelog plugin for release-it ([4e64a47](

The changelog generated contains the commit messages. Based on the commit message’s conventional type, the change log will be populated according to the configuration.

types: [
            type: "feat",
            section: "Features",
            type: "fix",
            section: "Bug Fixes",

7. What is in the PDF book?

The PDF version of the post also contains the GitHub Action implementation, which can act on events such as a push on the master branch. It also includes the TypeScript configuration for release-it and the utilization of hooks to perform actions during the release life cycle.

Consider buying the book at this link. You will receive it in both PDF and EPUB formats.

About Zohaib Shah

Passionate software engineer with expertise in Django, Laravel and NodeJS. Working with different SaaS based products and API connected apps. Get in touch
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