
How to use Sequelize with Node and Express

NodeJS with Sequelize

If you are willing to use MySQL with your Node App, this guide will show you how to use Sequelize with Node and Express. In my opinion, Sequilize ORM is the best way to use MySQL with Node. Sequelize offers features like Migrations, Seeders and Relationship management. These features are handy when you are in need of a quick working…

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How to install Laravel with NGINX on Ubuntu

installing laravel with nginx on ubuntu

Laravel is the most popular PHP MVC framework. If you have chosen a VPS or cloud hosting to deploy your laravel website, this post will help you install Laravel with NGINX on Ubuntu. PHP 7.4 Ubuntu 20.04 Laravel 8.x PHP and PHP-FPM PHP-FPM is an advance level FastCGI process manager. More information on PHP-FPM is here. To install laravel with…

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How to use Redis as Cache for MongoDB queries in NodeJS

Redis Mongo Cache NodeJS

Using Redis as a cache for MongoDB queries in NodeJS can make your application super fast. The reason for faster access is due to the fact that Redis stores data in memory while MongoDB stores data in disk. Where Caching is useful ? Caching is useful in all scenarios where we need to access the same data frequently. In an…

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How to build REST API with Django REST Framework

Django is a complete web application framework written in Python. We can use it to build any kind of web application. Building REST API with Django REST Framework is required for almost all Django based web applications. REST based APIs are now a standard way to communicate between two isolated systems. The trend has shifted towards frontend Javascript frameworks and…

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First Steps with Django Project

First steps with django project includes setting up superuser, getting your admin site running and create necessary apps. If you think django installation should be included in the list as well, you can follow this tutorial. I have also covered connecting MySQL with your Django App previously. So, What exactly is a Django App? If you can divide your django…

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Connecting Django App with MySql database on Windows

Connecting Django app with MySQL database on Windows is the basic step in building a MySQL based website in Django. In this post, we will see how we can connect mysql database with Django. I assume that you have already Django installed inside the Python Virtual environment. If not, you can review this link. Creating the Django Project Before we…

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How to Install Django on Windows

Installing Django on windows is a fairly simple process. Django is web framework which uses Python as it’s programming language. The first step is to check if Python is installed on Windows, Check it with following command: py –version If Python is not installed, Please go to and install it as you do it for any other windows software.…

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How to check if Django is installed on Windows

Django is a popular web framework based on Python. If you have installed it on your windows machine, either you have done it on core Python installation or on a Python virtual environment. As Django is a Python web framework, we need to first check if Python is installed. To check this, open command Prompt using cmd on Windows +…

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Perform CRUD Operations using Laravel Eloquent

CRUD Operations in Laravel Eloquent

In this post we will learn about how to perform CRUD Operations using Laravel Eloquent. Eloquent is the laravel way to talk to the database. In upcoming posts, we will learn Eloquent in more depth, But this post will only focus on single table operations. We will cover the post in following steps: Some points on Eloquent Creating MySQL table…

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